Our Way of Life

Our way of Agility is what makes Keppel Land a vibrant and exciting place for you to become the best version of yourself.
Build Trusting Relationships

We believe in building a culture of trust and accountability where all ideas are welcome, and the rationale behind decisions are communicated clearly.

Experiment and Learn Rapidly

We encourage the experimentation, testing and refinement of decisions in a controlled environment at each level, continuously learning and sharing best practices along the way.

Make People Awesome

We seek to develop the full potential of our people by empowering them with purposeful work and providing employee autonomy that contributes toward team goals, while recognising their efforts and achievements.

Deliver Value Continuously

We communicate our value proposition clearly to our customers and stakeholders and strive to make changes that bring greater value for all.


We believe in helping you grow your career goals, while fulfilling our mission. Great emphasis is placed on growing and developing our employees so that every individual is well equipped with the necessary skillsets to take on the future. We seek to accelerate the development of talents into effective managers and inspirational leaders.
K’atch A Ride

We believe that new and varied experiences make for an exciting and fulfilling career with us. We provide work exposure and opportunities through job rotations to different roles and overseas deployments.

Annual Staff Conference
Engage Your Mind

We recognise the importance of continuous learning no matter which stage of your career you are at. Various initiatives such as the Annual Staff Conference help to facilitate strategic collaboration and provide cross-learning opportunities among staff.

Potential Activated
We aim to activate your potential through structured skills upgrading and development programs like LEAD and Keppel Young Leaders. We believe in growing our timber, and rotating individuals into different roles and teams to unleash their potential.

Celebrate Life With Us

At Keppel Land, life is more than just work. Employees’ physical and mental well-being is important to us. We also believe in creating a positive impact and actively encouraging volunteerism wherever we operate, focusing on protecting the environment, supporting education and caring for the underprivileged.

Our Accolades

Join us and be a part of our vibrant and diverse team

We take great care to evaluate all employees and job applicants equally, based on merit, competence, and qualifications.

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